Mortgage Adviser Blog

Category: Mortgage Advice

By Donna Marks, a Mortgage Adviser in Wellington

First Home Buyer

Navigating the New Lending Rules

On December 1, 2021, the laws around lending money to consumers in New Zealand were changed. Under the new regulations, all lenders are required to

Buying a home on one income
First Home Buyer

Buying a Home on One Income

Housing affordability continues to be a hot topic at the forefront of our minds, as rising house prices continue unabated across most parts of New

Pay off your mortgage with Donna Marks

5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

Most homeowners long for the day when they’ll be mortgage-free. But that can feel a bit like a distant dream with no clear path to

Why choose a mortgage advisor
Home Loan Advice

Why Choose a Mortgage Adviser?

Working with a mortgage adviser not only puts you in the best possible position when it comes to applying for a home loan – particularly

Navigating Your Finances in a Pandemic
Buying and Selling Property

Navigating Your Finances in a Pandemic

COVID-19 has impacted not only the way we work, go to school or socialize; for many, it’s had a significant financial impact too. Job loss

Review Your Mortgage
Buying and Selling Property

When Did You Last Review Your Mortgage?

Home loan interest rates have fallen to historic lows in 2020 and economists are predicting even lower mortgage interest rates in the months ahead in